Help clean up your community and get rid of extra household waste, bulky items, motor oil and more by participating in Clean-Up events held throughout the year.
On Monday morning of each Clean-Up Week, all single family dwellings may set out additional compatible household waste and/or bulky items at the curb for collection. Both DHS customers and those customers living in the unincorporated areas of Riverside county are encouraged to participate. There is no charge for this service and no need to call to arrange collection. Items must be at your curbside by 6:00 A.M.
DVD will collect items throughout the week although pick-ups may not necessarily be on your regularly scheduled Collection day.
Accepted Items include;
Extra Household Waste
Waste must be contained in cans or bags and yard trimmings must be tied into bundles. DVD will collect:
Bulky Items
Collection can include up to two bulky items such as appliances, furniture, or tires. Bulky items may not weigh more than 150 pounds each and must be easily team-lifted by two collectors.
City of DHS Customers
January 20-24
April 21-25
July 21-25
October 20-24
Unincorporated County Customers
January 20-24
April 21-25
July 21-25
October 20-24
Hazardous Waste
Extra Items
It is unlawful for any person to place or deposit, or cause or permit to be placed or deposited, any solid waste, non-organic recyclables, or organic waste into or upon any public street, avenue, alley, way or other public place in the City, or in, into or upon any vacant lot or vacant premises, except in containers for the purpose of collection as permitted by the provisions of this chapter, with the exception of lawfully placed bulky items for scheduled pick-up. (Prior code ยง 50.04; Ord. 546 5-6-14; Ord. 758 6-8-22)
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside ordains as follows:
Section 1. FINDINGS. The Board of Supervisors finds that the unregulated and improper allowance of rubbish or other material dangerous or injurious to neighboring property or to the health or welfare of residents in the vicinity of any real property throughout the unincorporated territory of the County of Riverside poses a danger, not only because it is unsightly and negatively impacts property values, but also because it provides areas for occupation by vermin or wild animals, is a fire hazard and is potentially toxic to persons and the environment. Therefore, the accumulation of rubbish is deemed a Public Nuisance and poses a hazard to the safety of landowners, residents in the vicinity, users of public highways and to the public generally.